均一性、画一性/一貫性 Uniformityということば自体は良くも悪くもないものの、ほぼ没個性と同義としても、よく問題にされる言葉です。“みんな同じじゃ面白くない” 程度のことならまだ気楽でいいですが、妄信や洗脳などの暗いイメージもつきまとうようです…
ネイティブによる添削 Why is it possible that the shop still exists? ✔ How is it possible that the shop still exists? これは、Ngram や Google を見る限りどちらも使われています。Why のほうが少ないものの、論理的には why でしょう。 ✘ They all h…
分詞構文 participial construction 基本的に文語調で、現在分詞(受身の意味では過去分詞)が従属接続詞を兼ねて主節を修飾する〔副詞句〕形をとる構文。分詞構文の主語は明示しないが、主節の主語と同じことが文法上、期待される。 独立分詞構文 主節の主…
参考:レベル2 日常生活で活躍する英単語(アルクのレベル別語彙リスト)、Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Collins Dictionary, Vocabulary.com, The American Heritage Dictionary alive [əláɪv] あライヴ allow of sth《正式》を可能にする - The sentenc…
lay aside sth or lay sth aside 1脇に置く、脇に置いて忘れる = set aside 2 = lay sth by 後日のためにとっておく、または、後回しにしてとっておく lay down sth or lay sth down 1置く、使うのをやめる 2《正式》(仕事などを)するのをやめる 3法律…
- It's to her credit that she admitted her mistake. (M-W)〔評判をよくする〕 - To his credit, … - have sth to his credit on the credit side 良い点はと言うと - On the credit side, they bring extraordinary variety of different pastries and br…
参考:レベル7 表現力を豊かにする英単語(アルクのレベル別語彙リスト)、Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Collins Dictionary, Vocabulary.com avail v 役に立つ、資する、役立てる〔helpに置き換えると分かり易い〕 n 一助、益 - of no avail - to no ava…
- Do you mind my opening the window?- Excuse my interrupting you.- I enjoy listening to classical music.- I am considering[thinking about] buying a car.- You ought to give up smoking.- practice speaking- He keeps putting off going to the d…
理性、理性的なこと the ability to be sensible and to have sound judgment rather than being emotional - his rationality may have been impaired また、合理的・論理的なこと the fact of being agreeable to reason or being based on logic. (Oxford…
lie around 《批判的》1散らかっている 2(何もせずに)ごろごろしている lie back 《肯定的》(何もせずに)ゆっくりくつろぐ lie behind sth 主語(真相)が裏に横たわって(潜んで)いる lie with sb (to do sth) 《正式》の決めること・の判断次第である - It …
副詞の例:〔《口語》=like(like は前置詞)〕 - As always, he said little. - The 'h' in honest is silent, as in hour. - it tasted like grape juice but not as sweet〔not as ~ そんなに~〕 前置詞の例: - as water to fish 魚に水のように 〔=lik…
参考: レベル11 視野を広げる英単語(アルクのレベル別語彙リスト) acronym [ǽkrənɪm] ASCII, NATO, NASAなど頭文字から作られて一つの単語のように読む語 adamant [ǽdəmənt] (意思が)強固な、頑なな » adamantly - We are adamantly opposed to packagin…
- I wish[desire, expect, hope, seek] to speak to the manager.- I have decided[determined, resolved] to take your advice.- She agreed[refused] to let me go early.- He offered[promised] to do the dishes.- He pretended not to notice.- They ar…
- I assume (that) …. - It's generally / commonly / safely etc. assumed (that) …. - It's mistakenly/incorrectly/erroneously/implicitly/tacitly assumed (that) …. - Rebel forces have assumed control of the capital. - …, it's worth asking whet…
国際音声記号 - Wikipedia ´ ɑ α ά á à ʌ ʌ́ ə ə́ːr ɜ æ ǽé è ɛ έ í ì ó ò ɔ ɔ́ ú ù ʊ Ʒ ʃ θ ð Ƞ Punctuation - Wikipedia … ellipsis [ilípsis] (pl. ellipses [ilípsiːz]) 省略 - hyphen (this is to connect words) — em dash (this is to separate words…
as yet《通例否定文で》未だ(~ない)、今のところは- an as yet unpublished report - As yet little was known of the causes of the disease. as if / as though まるで~のようにas it is(文頭・節頭)ところが実際は/(文中・文末)もうすでに- We w…
on account of sb/sth の理由で on this / that account《正式》以上の理由で by / from all accounts (=according to what others say). of no / little account〔重要性、結果、価値〕 to turn sth to account〔利益、強味〕- She turned her writing skil…
届く、着く 1 arrive at the station / in Israel / on the scene (BUT arrive home / there) 1 come to the park (BUT come home / there) 1 get to downtown (BUT get home / there) 1 reach the top / an agreement / you AをBとみなす 1 look at/see A…
as for 〜はどうかと言うと =regarding - As for me,… - Yes to the death penalty, but as for a sales-tax increase for education, she says she has "concerns". (Seattle Times, 2004) as of 〜現在で、〜の時点で =on, up to, from - Our fax number i…
prudence (12) 堅実さ、思慮深さ、わきまえていること 1. discretion in practical affairs 2. knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress - Negligence is failure to act with the prudence of a reasonable person unmatched (13) 1比類ない =can'…
make something of yourself 成功する make an example of sb 見せしめにする make the most out of sth できるだけ活用する make the best of sth(it/things/a bad job) よくないことや困難を受け入れてできる限りのことをする make hard work of sth 余計…
bear[keep] sth in mind 覚えておく bear with sb 共に耐える bear on sth《正式》関連する be borne in on sb《正式・主に英》(通常、時間をかけて)特定の人に認められる bear hard / heavily / severly etc. on sb 《正式》(人にひどく)負担となる - Taxat…
- On the other hand, he made no reference to the responsibility for dropping the bombs. (Asahi Shimbun, 2016) - 'Star Wars' films full of references to films that came before. (greensboro.com) - The map reference is C3. - Please quote your…
6受け入れる - I'd love to come for a visit, if you'll have me. (=if you would welcome me as a guest) - Who will we have as our leader? (=accept) - I'll marry her if she'll have me! - She wouldn't have him. (as her husband) (M-W)、《否定文…
参考: レベル6 検定試験に挑戦する英単語(アルクのレベル別語彙リスト)、Oxford Learner's Dictionary, Collins Dictionary, Vocabulary.com、画像はグーグル画像検索より 雅言:上品で洗練された正しいとされる言葉 俗語:一般に日常使われる普通の言葉…
参考: レベル8 読解の自信を深める英単語(アルクのレベル別語彙リスト)、Oxford Learner's Dictionaries、他(語義が場所により異なる場合は基本的にOxford学習者用英々辞書に従います)画像はGoogle Image Searchより notify A of B Aに Bを知らせる …
参考: レベル9 TOEIC高得点を狙う英単語(アルクのレベル別語彙リスト), Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Collins Dictionary, Vocabulary.com、画像はGoogle Image Searchより。日本の義務教育の方針に従い米国英語優先です。 aloof adj•adv 冷淡な・に…
engage in - Even in prison, he continued to engage in criminal activities. engage someone in - Get your boss engaged in your success,… (Shortcut to Promotion, Spicus) engage something 関心を引く - Their pleas failed to engage any sympathy.…
- a controlling / majority / minority stake 企業支配権/過半数の株/少数株 - Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. 〔ジャンヌ・ダルク〕 - Name your stakes. - It was a last-ditch effort upon which the existence were staked. - It's been a ten…
知性、思考傾向、ある傾向に考える癖 mental ability, or a habitual or characteristic attitude of the mind If someone says you have the mentality of a kindergartener and you are much older than that age, they're probably calling you immature.…