


engage in

 - Even in prison, he continued to engage in criminal activities.

engage someone in

- Get your boss engaged in your success,… (Shortcut to Promotion, Spicus)


engage something


- Their pleas failed to engage any sympathy.


- The major project which currently engages most of my time and attention … (White House Conference on the Humanities, 1978) 


engage someone

- Designing something engages me for hours.  

- Her innocence engaged him.


- He regretted that US President Barack Obama had not personally engaged himself to deal with the Afghan crisis, ... (Daily Times, 2016)



- I've engaged a table at an Italian restaurant.〔※予約時には"I'd like to reserve a room" などreserveが普通〕

- They engaged a consultant to review their business plan.

- We will have to engage the services of a translator.

- He is engaged to Mary. 〔※このengagedは形容詞とも考えられる〕
- They are engaged to be married


- Engage the clutch when you release the clutch pedal.
- The cogwheels/gears are not engaging.


交戦する vt vi
- We have engaged the enemy.
- The armies engaged at dawn.


vt《古》[+ to do] することを約束する =assume an obligation, agree

- … hereby engages to abstain from every manner of ... (1876)

engage with に関与する、関わる
- …is found to have the ability to engage with young minds. (John Spink, 1989)
- The United States will also be engaging with the Trans-Pacific Partnership countries… (Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 2009)

engaged adj. 1 婚約している 2 している最中の、忙しくしている 3 予約済みの(部屋・席など)/使用中の


(参考・出典: Oxford Dictionary, Collins Dictionary, The American Heritage Dictionary)